My 3 takeaways from this interesting article! (Click on the above photo for the article)
1. Humans are hardwired to adjust and adapt as like Ethan’s brain. The past two years have been tough. Regardless of age, all of us have been making adjustments and adaptations to our routines and habits – our lives. 2022 will be no different, with us learning to live with new realities, new norms.
2. Be fitted with a prosthesis that meets your evolving needs. Ethan has his family as his prosthesis and this social support has helped him adjust, adapt and live his life without a cerebellum. Living with the new realities and new norms may require new prostheses as your old ones may not fully meet your new needs. I realized this in 2021. In 2022, I’ll be fitting myself with a new prosthesis. Join me in my guided meditation group regardless of your location in the world. (No payment needed.) Register here.
I look forward to meeting you, my new prosthesis this January!
3. No matter how well we’ve adjusted and adapted, we will still need somebody like Ethan’s mother once in a while for support and to nudge us to move on when we slipped up and feel like giving. I got a coach for that. Not having to play my own coach, I felt so much better and ready to move on after talking to her. She told me that she has a coach who does the same for her. Everyone needs a coach once in a while. Get one for yourself in 2022 if you haven’t gotten one! Click here.
Happy New Year, everyone!