- Happy New Year! Starting 2022 with Fresh Mindsetby Susan TanMy 3 takeaways from this interesting article! (Click on the above photo for the article) 1. Humans are hardwired to adjust and adapt as like Ethan’s brain. The past two years have been tough. Regardless of age, all of us have been making adjustments and adaptations to our routines and habits – our lives. 2022… Read more: Happy New Year! Starting 2022 with Fresh Mindset
- My Mindfulness Perspective on Singapore’s “Middle-of-the-Road” Approach in the Covid-19 Battleby Susan TanI have been in my retreat mode since my quarantine (SHN). Thanks to this ST article – S’pore’s Covid-19 strategy not a ‘flip-flop’, helps prevent massive number of deaths: Ong Ye Kung – that I am inspired to write this. How does mindfulness help me to make sense of Singapore’s 3Fs covid-19 related policies and… Read more: My Mindfulness Perspective on Singapore’s “Middle-of-the-Road” Approach in the Covid-19 Battle
- How does exercise change the brain and neuroplasticity?by Susan TanI was introduced to Sparkd, a gym to improve cognitive health through the combination physical and cognitive exercises. Sparkd was created with the desire of helping people fight cognitive decline, mild cognitive impairment (MCI), dementia, and Parkinson’s disease. Yet, it has evolved to helping everyone at any age because of the massive applications to all population.… Read more: How does exercise change the brain and neuroplasticity?